Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Say cheese, Baby!

Obviously if you've been around this blog for a while you have probably noticed that I'm a bit of an amateur photographer - more like a hobbyist. I really love it, but never really dedicate the time to enhancing my abilities. I feel like setting up and framing the photos is natural to me, but my technical shooting and editing skills need some intervention. When you have a really interesting subject (um, hello Guatemala) though, it's pretty hard to take a bad photo.

This past year however, I've found myself less than inspired photographically speaking. Most of our home photos are more for documentation purposes rather than "art" and quite honestly we don't really go anywhere worth toting along the old Nikon.
Recently though, I've found myself newly inspired by some seriously cute baby girls in my life!

Back in August my good friend Julie gave birth to a sweet baby girl Finley Grace. Coincidentally Julie and I share a serious passion for all things creative & decor (especially when it comes to the color gray) so back in October of course we found a way to translate our passions (and
pinnings) into the most adorable Halloween project that could ever exist. This project required 4 easy things.
1.) an adorable baby (that was easy)
2.) a pumpkin
3.) a pretty back drop
4). a camera

Put those 4 ingredients together and this is what you get.

Little Pumpkin Finley.....and her beautiful mama.

Isn't that photo just about the most precious/hilarious/freakin' cute thing you've ever seen?

I seriously don't know if I will ever think of anything that could top a baby in a pumpkin. I won't go into the funny details as to how Little Pumpkin Finley came to be because you can read it on
Julie's blog, but this is the day that resparked my love for photography.

Here's another cute one from that day too.
Can you think of a better job than taking photos of babies? or kids? or families? I don't know if I can. Except for maybe starting up a interior design business with Julie. (PS. Keep me in mind as your personal assistant when you decide to go off on your own, Julie.)

Then again just last week, we joined forces again for Finley Photo Shoot #2. This time the objective was to capture our her baby girl amongst some beautiful Autumn foliage.

Objective Achieved.

My oh my, how Finley has grown! Look at that personality!

That baby girl really loves her mama & so do I!

Hamming it up, Finley G!

There's now where she'd rather be than propped in her Bumbo in a bunch of tall grass.

She was really taken by Mia & smiled really big each time she barked.

Doesn't she look like an opera singer here? So funny!

On a side note, my mom knitted those baby legs for Finny. Aren't they the cutest? Julie should be a stylist. She really knows how to put together a great look!

The day we shot the photos, the weather was perfect. We had lunch, we shopped & then we ended up in Freedom Park, which is pretty much Charlotte's equivalent to Washington Park in Denver. I don't know if I've ever seen the park look so stunning. We joked that I should set up a card table with some signage and cute props in the park and sell inpromptu photo sessions at $25 a pop. It was sort of a joke, but it kind of got me thinking.

It was a day amongst many that I will hold very near and dear since it was one of the last outings that Julie and I had together before she moved back to Texas. Sadly (for me) but happily for her, today Julie and her little family of three will board a plane to Dallas where their families live, and settle into a new life there. I suppose this is what life is all about, meeting amazing people, opening up your life to them and creating wonderful memories together - whether it be over decades or just a couple of months. By this point in my life, I've made many friends and unfortunately also said goodbye to many of them too. I can't say that it ever gets easier, but each time it happens it does remind me that I've been very blessed. Every so often one of those friendships slips itself into a special little place in heart and mind, a place where I know that no matter where life takes us, we'll always share a connection. While they are few and far between I've been fortunate enough to fill my heart with a handful of these special friends and Julie, you are one of them. I wish you much luck in Dallas, but always know how much you & your little Finnikins will be missed here in Charlotte. Safe Travels friend!