Lately it seems like everyone around us is working on their 2010 plan. Mostly employers I suppose, but that doesn't mean that we can't also develop our own map for the next 365 days. Here are some ideas that we're tossing around for this year.
Finish up Guatemala: Part 2
This includes completing our jobs, exploring the parts unknown & enjoying time with friends, all while leaving options open for Part 3 (something that we have decided is an absolute for a few years down the road). Guatemala will forever be a part of our lives.
Turn 30 with a BANG!
Although I find it hard to believe, this 1980's baby will be entering her 4th decade of life in 2010. As a lover of all things sand, sun & crystal clear water, we're hoping to invite our friends to join us in a "hello 30's, adios guatemala" vacation.... possibly sailing through the San Blas islands from Panama to Columbia! Will you come along?
Participate in whirlwind tour of South America
While living in Guatemala may sound adventurous enough to you, we have been bitten by the travel bug once again (Even after 54 days together in a car, we still love to travel & each other.) Our jobs keep us pretty stationary here in Antigua with a weekend get-away exception every now and again, so we're looking forward to taking in some sights of another continent before beginning the journey homeward.
Road Trip through Mexico (Northbound)
We made it through the 1st time and we've got a whole different route planned for the return trip. Dewey is well rested and ready to hit the road once again!
Settle back into life in the US (for a while)
Maybe Denver, maybe not. We're open to seeing where the road leads us. One thing that we have learned & accepted during our time away is that while we love our friends and family a lot, we have to live our lives for us - not for everyone else.
Buy a house......finally!
It won't be pretty folks, we're dreaming of a run-down, city dwelling, needs a lot of love home to satisfy our DIY needs! We've given up the idea of the perfect house & are liking the idea of a pretty perfect for right now home. Since we're still a bit uncertain about what lies ahead, there's no need to settle in for the long haul!
Consider career changes
We do currently like what we do (most of the time), but our minds have been churning up some new ideas. Nothing major is likely to happen quickly, but in time there will be changes on the horizon. It's time to turn our hobbies into a steady income (or at least part-time income)!
Continue striving to practice the art of relaxation
One would think rather romantically that after packing up life to run away to another country, we would be professionals in the art of coffee shop dwelling and lingering in parks, but one must not know us very well! Maybe it's our over ambitious 1st born traits or quite possibly just a dose of adult ADHD, but we are not good relaxers. We try, but then ususally abandon ship for the first activity that comes our way. We fear relaxation may be a life-long battle!
Plan for a 2 legged addition to the Lengacher family!
Yes, you did hear correctly! It's finally time to begin preparing the nest for a little adventure birdie!After 5 and half years of wedded bliss (haha!) and numerous efforts to get this "live abroad itch"out of our systems, we are carefully planning considering the idea of settling down..... and aren't even freaked out by the thought (well maybe just a little)!
Be satisfied and thankful for all that we have.
If we've learned anything for sure this year it's that we lead very privledged lives. It's something that we often took take for granted & sometimes feel guilty about, but living amongst the amazing people here has taught us to be appreciative of what we have and to always do what we can to share our happiness & "wealth" with others.
So here's to another year full of adventures of a different type. Hip, hip, hooray!
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