Sunday, May 10, 2009

La Antigua

This being our first weekend in Antigua, Guatemala, we decided to hit a few (no where near all) of the tourist destinations. If you haven't been, Antigua (literally antique) is an old colonial capital of Guatemala, and probably the most beautiful place in the entire country. The streets are a pretty charcoal cobblestone and everywhere you turn there are beautiful fuchsia flowers, Baroque-style yellow churches, and grand antique fountains. (Jean, we know you're going to love it here so we hope you can come visit!) There are also quite a few sites of ruins (mostly churches) that are remnants from several destructive earthquakes of the past.

At the moment we are living in a studio apartment in a guest house right in town. It's quite here with a nice garden and friendly neighbors. The search for homes has been a bit difficult. Because Antigua is a popular tourist area, the nice ones are rather prices (think US prices) and most everything else we've seen isn't anywhere we can envision ourselves getting very comfortable. For now though, at least we have a roof over our heads where we take our time finding a home. After 2 months on the road, we're both eager to unpack and settle in.

our current front door

Santa Cruz
inside Santa Cruz

not sure why, but all the statues were headless

a Mother's day procession

quite a somber parade - we're not quite sure what it was all about

Antigua from the Mirador de la Cruz

Cerro de La Cruz with Volcan Agua in the background

Tanque la Unión

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