Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our temporary home

We’ve moved on up……or on back is more like it - last weekend in fact. It took me a whole week to unpack, crawling back into bed every 20 minutes or so, but now that we're settled, come take a look!

The week previous we had been staying in an apartment that just so happens to be about 2 feet off of a busy cobblestone road. It was nice, but loud – really loud. Fortunately for us, one of the apartments that sits way back from the road in the same complex became available and now it’s ours! It’s 2 levels, bigger and costs a bit more, but not laying in bed listening to “Guate, Guate, Guate!” as the chicken buses thunder by at 5am is priceless!

Of course it's not as homey as 1210 E. Colfax, but it's pretty much the best place we could find in our price range. So far
we've been enjoying waking up with sun coming in the windows - something that we missed out on during our time on the 'Fax. Our only complaint is the bed-like couches. They're kind of awkward, but whatever - they'll do us just fine for our short stint here.

Like I mentioned in a previous blog, this move is temporary as we’ll be moving into a 2 bedroom house with a big terrace on the other side of town in July and we can hardly wait. Book your flights now!

a nice big kitchen

open concept living and dining

bird's eye view

2 levels

the bedroom

loft style

modern bathroom


Jenny said...

that place is beautiful! can't wait to see you new one (:

Uncle, Aunt, cousins in IL said...

looks very nice...sure you love to be able to shower in a clean place each day!! Thanks for catching us up on your world...sorry to hear you were sick...doesn't sound fun at all!! Fresh vegies are the best...looking forward to my garden harvest this year...sure you could do 'salsa' pots on your terrace at your new home in July or start now and then you will be ready to make salsa when you move in!! The growing season there must be incredible!!! Jealous! Enjoy the day! Beth