Monday, November 24, 2008

From Freezing to Frying

Since Xela is pretty darn cold these days, last weekend we took a trip to la playa (beach) in Monterrico. It only took us 6 hours to get a mini-bus (fun, fun, fun). Monterrico is supposedly the most beautiful beach in Southern Guatemala (on the Pacific). With a giant black beach, a picturesque setting, and scorching temps, it definitely was more appealing than our rainy days in Honduras!

We woke early Saturday for a row boat tour of the canal and mangroves where we also got to watch the sunrise. We spent the day lounging on the beach (ouch! the black sand was incredibly hot) reading books, and sipping drinks in hammocks at a local beach hangout, Johnny's Place. Unfortunately there wasn't much swimming to be done, as the water was really strong and the undertow was quite nasty! That evening we took part in the releasing of newly born sea turtles into the sea (sponsored by a local hatchery). Yea! I got to check off one of the things on my life list of things I must do (rescue a baby sea turtle, swim with manatees, go whale watching, etc....the list is long)!

Sunrise on the canal

Must buy hammock!

We hope they made it, but their chances are slim.

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